About Smartsheet Business Plan

Smartsheet Business Plan – If you’ve ever had enough of the limitations of managing a project from a traditional spreadsheet, you’re probably looking for a complete working operating system.

The problem is, you can easily find one that looks perfect but might not be within your budget.

Instead, let’s start with the deciding factor: the price.

In this article, we’ll look at one of the more popular spreadsheet alternatives: Smartsheet.

And so you don’t have to do the tough chores yourself, we’ve put together a quick overview of Smartsheet’s pricing plans and features. Plus, a brief overview of our pricing and features so you can decide which project management software best suits your needs.

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Smartsheet Features

Smartsheet offers multiple views of project management tools (like the Kanban board or Gantt chart), dashboards, reports, and custom forms automatically mapped to specific columns on your sheets (like monday.com! ). more complex applications.

Here are some project management features you can find in Smartsheet:

Subtasks – Assigning subtasks to larger tasks allows for a more precise and clear view of project management, significantly when you can expand and collapse the views of subtasks at will.

As a reminder, useful for those of us who have too much on our plate.

Attachments: Collaborating in a digital workspace means sharing resources, and Smartsheet lets users attach files to their sheets to help you.

In short, smartsheet price offers some more advanced features for the digital workspace and task management. However, it is not without limits:

The Smartsheet Integration Suite is relatively small compared to other tools

When importing from Excel, some advanced features like conditional formatting are lost

Control for non-administrators is quite limited

But how much does it cost?

Smartsheet Pricing: The More You Play, The More You Get

When nearly half of the projects are beyond the original project’s schedule and scope, project managers have a lot of work to do.

Suppose you are still working on basic planning frameworks such as traditional spreadsheets and task lists. In that case, you will significantly advantage from switching to dedicated project management software, both in terms of work pace and maintenance costs.

Smartsheet offers four different pricing plans on two screens.

The first is the standard package, which allows users to choose between custom and commercial feature sets.

The second is their Enterprise package, which offers two options: Enterprise (a bit confusing) and Premier.

1) Individual

The Smartsheet Individual Plan lives up to its name – it is designed for freelancers and entrepreneurs who need better project planning and management.

The range of functions is somewhat limited, but individual plan users have access to:

Smartsheet integrations with other apps

Data collection forms synchronized with your sheets

Library of predefined Smartsheet templates

Some automated workflow functions

2) Business

Cost: $ 25 per user per month.

Most growing businesses will benefit from Smartsheet’s business plan.

You get all the inclusions of individual plans but more emphasis on reporting, metrics, task status updates, and general workflow management.

Here are some of the added features that you will have access to when upgrading to the Business Plan:

The ability to apply custom annotations to your Smartsheet spreadsheet

Advanced data analysis and more vigorous reporting with consolidated information

Track progress with the Smartsheet Activity Log

Live graphics and panels for a more visual representation of project progress

Additional management skills for groups and users.

It should remain noted that Smartsheet has a minimum of 3 licenses with the business plan.

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