For those who travel in the back seat of a car, the seat belt is of no use.

  • Air-bags (or airbags) advantageously replace the seat belt.
  • Wearing a seat belt decreases the chances of being injured in an accident.

Which of the following statements is true?

A) A person’s ability to react is affected by small concentrations of alcohol in his body.

B) An experienced driver’s interpretation and decision not affected by only 2 shots of hard liquor.

C) A good cup of coffee speeds up the process by which the body gets rid of alcohol.

D) With small concentrations of alcohol in an individual’s body, certain inhibitions increase, and he tends to underestimate his abilities.

Which of the following statements is true?

A) The right-hand rule also applies in roundabouts.

B) The most expansive fairways always have preference.

C) A street can have preference over another even if it is narrower.

D) In ​​the city, those approaching from the right have a preference at all crossroads without exception.

Which of the following statements is true? Explain your answer:

A.The fundamental quantities are Velocity, Mass, and time
b. Volume is a fundamental quantity
c. Velocity, acceleration, and time that derived quantities
d. The derived quantities obtained from the fundamental quantities.

Which of the following statements is true about drinking and driving?

  1. Alcohol improves your reaction time.
  2. It’s usually okay to drive after two drinks.
  3. Alcohol negatively affects your judgment.
  4. Alcohol does not affect your judgment.

Find the answer to this question and an explanation below.


This question, or a similar one, may appear on your driver’s license written test.

The answer is: 3. Alcohol negatively affects your judgment.

Which of the following statements is true?

A) A good cup of coffee speeds up the process by which the body rids itself of alcohol.

B) A person’s ability to react is affected by small concentrations of alcohol in his body.

C) With small concentrations of alcohol in an individual’s body, certain inhibitions increase, and he tends to underestimate his abilities.

D) The ability of interpretation and decision of an experienced driver is not affected by only two shots of hard liquor.

Which of the following statements is true?

  1. The total mass of the system remains similar in a chemical change
  2. A chemical change is permanent and irreversible
  3. A physical change is temporary and reversible
  4. All of the Above


The correct option is D)

However, The system’s total mass remains similar in a chemical change, following the law of the conservation of Mass. Moreover, The entire group of products is equivalent to the whole mass of the reactants.