Apple’s Marketing Strategy

Immediately after leaving college, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak founded Apple in April 1976. This fantastic duo, already in the history of technology and humanity. First sold around 200 circuit boards. That they produced in a garage without use. Because even the most fantastic start small. That’s how it is, forging their future and their greatness step by step. From those humble beginnings. We find a success story in the world of business models, and behind it. An excellent Apple marketing strategy that Steve Jobs himself meticulously crafted.

As noted in this Profolus article, which we relied on for this content, Jobs. And Wozniak introduced the fully functional 8-bit Apple II computer in 1977. It became one of the first commercial microcomputers to be released. Great success in the world. Market all over the world.

“But the company didn’t stop there, and they wanted to change history and not just focus. On designing and manufacturing computers. Apple has expanded its product portfolio and has become a well-known company internationally,” says the article mentioned earlier by Natalie Yeung.

Want to know the pillars and milestones of Apple’s marketing strategy? We will see them little by little in the rest of the article.

The First Milestone In Apple’s Marketing Strategy: The iPodThe First Milestone In Apple's Marketing Strategy_ The iPod

The introduction of the iPod in 2001, along with the music store and its online. iTunes applications, “revolutionized the music industry by promoting digital music.” Therefore, these two products have been created and supported. An emerging ecosystem for selling and purchasing music on the Internet. With the advantages, it presents, for example, the use of iTunes at low prices in the fight against music piracy.

The company was correspondingly a pioneer fashionable the era of smartphones and tablets. With the iPhone vogueish 2007 and the iPad in 2010 following the previous failure of Nokia. “These two consumer electronics devices have reshaped. The way manufacturers develop and produce mobile devices.

Everyone remains appreciated for their innovation and technology,” the Profolus article states. And we ask ourselves the following additional question: who does not have a smartphone today? It’s not necessarily an iPhone, but the smartphone has become the inseparable companion of millions and millions of people worldwide.

“After all, this careful and complex strategy has played a vital role in launching his brand and products to an unprecedented level of popularity and approval,” he said. However, the article adds. Understanding the success of revered and culturally iconic products like the iPod and iPhone requires understanding Apple’s marketing strategy. And in this, we are, knowing the marketing strategy of the brand of the bitten apple.

Develop A Competitive Advantage Based On Your Product

Steve Jobs left Apple in 1985 (we already know this is the story of the prodigal son), and around that time, Apple II and Macintosh personal computers adopted IBM’s PC solutions. The competition was fierce at the time, which made it difficult to start a new business. And Apple was on the side that we could cite as the loser. Despite this, the company struggled to maintain sales. Although he eventually succumbed to defeat “when personal computers powered by Microsoft’s Windows operating system won the battle in the market.”

Apple’s poor performance was due to its poor product strategy at the time, the Profiles post noted. The company produced and sold several redundant and confusing IT products. Later, when Steve Jobs returned to Apple in 1996 (this is the story of successful entrepreneurs rising from the ashes) to run the business, his first order of business was to abandon all unprofitable products and realign the business strategy. Development based on the concept of simplicity and premium user experience.

What effect has this change in Apple’s strategy had to date? Well, a pure success, because today, the product strategy is at the center of Apple’s marketing strategy. “In addition, it has become the competitive advantage of the company and its flagship products. Which include the MacBook, iPod, iTunes, iPhone, and iPad. One of the reasons these products have become so successful is that they are easy to use and very intuitive compared to their competition. They are also highly regarded because of their simple, uniform construction and design,” the original post said.

Understand Customers And Their Needs

Let’s continue with explaining and analyzing Apple’s marketing strategy based on the Profolus article and based on this one from UK Essays. Some experts believe that if you understand a brand’s customers. “you almost understand the brand itself.” It is so, and it is true because some companies like to associate their brand personality with user characteristics. At the same time, others would associate the elements of their brand personality with that of theirs.

Spokesperson, And what is Apple’s strategy, the first or the second? Well, as quoted in this second source, referring to others. “Apple appears to be using the first strategy when serving its ‘elite socio-economic’ customers through elite devices. Research suggests. that Apple owners are healthier financially than those without Apple devices. ”

Apple’s differentiated products are one of the sources of its competitive advantage, to be sure. At this point, the article and its editor point out that “many experts argue that no company has a better spirit of innovation than Apple.

The Bitten Apple Brand

So that in a market as highly competitive as this. The bitten apple brand can ensure that no other company can emulate its unique capabilities. Because although Sony is also capable of producing high-tech products, Apple’s design and integration are still not easily replicated.

We identify the level of complexity taken into account when designing Apple products. Even the iPod’s white color remained finalized with the mutual consent of chief designer Jonathan Ive and Steve Jobs himself (see this Business Insider article for more on the relationship between the two). Also, other companies are trying to catch up with Apple’s vertical integration system. But they are struggling to do so because Apple has good chipmakers, standards, and controls. So all your devices are easily synchronized with each other.

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